
Would you like to participate in our Community Committee?

We began our Community Project two years ago with the goal of creating a stronger community at St PETER’S SCHOOL. We have been working to help families connect with each other and participate in our community life, including academic and social events. Building on our progress, we are now excited to announce the creation of the Community Engagement Committee. Its mission will be to continue our efforts to build a committed, dynamic, participatory, supportive, welcoming, and inclusive school community through four lines of work:

  1. Welcome: We want to work on giving a warm welcome to new families and fostering connections between all members of our community to create strong and lasting bonds.
  2. School and social events: We would like our community to participate in the organization of school events such as International Day, September’s Welcome Day, the Christmas Fair, Halloween, and the Book Fair or the upcoming Bonasport Competition. Additionally, we want to involve you in all social events that help us strengthen the St. Peter’s community.
  3. Volunteering: We love it when parents and family members participate in classes and organise activities in collaboration with teachers. Would you like to get involved?
  4. Communication: One of our goals is to encourage community participation in the communication of school and social events.

Parents or family members interested in joining the committee can attend the informative morning coffee session on Wednesday 24th of May, at 15:00h or sign up by email at We look forward to continuing to work together to build an even stronger and more vibrant community at St PETER’S.



To start the admissions process, please fill in the following form. Our admissions officers will contact you soon: