
Words of encouragement from St. Peter’s School Manager

Dear families and staff,

I hope all of you are safe and sound.

It is a good moment to look for good news, and luckily, we have plenty of these. The difficult measures we are facing have proved effective in other countries, for example, the transmission rate in Italy has already decreased from more than 3 to almost 1. This can give us hope that this crisis will improve soon. We are also lucky that our technology provides for many solutions that will help us cope with this period, granting us the chance to keep our school life online. Best of all, we are lucky to belong to St. Peter’s community. These days I feel proud and grateful of belonging to this group: the incredible response by staff, families and students shows me that whatever comes we shall succeed. I want to thank the positive feedback received by several families, the spirit that students have been showing, and most of all, the commitment and generosity that staff have been working with during this weekend.

As you have been informed these last days, we have been preparing for this situation for the last weeks and will continue to work on improving it. Our intention is to keep the St. Peter’s community engaged and active. We have been working hard this weekend in order to start our homeschooling plan on Monday, and we expect to improve it along the upcoming days.

Our goal is to keep the whole community connected and supported, so we can minimize the effects of this situation on our students. In order to accomplish this, we are working on several fronts and will keep in close touch with all of you about the progress we make.

Beware that the system is already built and working, but we expect to fine-tune it along the first days.

On the academic front, we have prepared a combination of presential classes and supervised autonomous work. This should provide students with a daily routine and keep up with their work as much as possible, including all students in Primary and Secondary. For the presential classes, we have prepared a timetable where the whole class will be connected for several classes every day with their teacher, having the chance to develop their class as normal as the situation admits. Besides, they will have daily assignments on all their subjects, and they will be required to work on them autonomously, obtaining continuous feedback and help from their teacher individually, either by email or videoconference.

IB students will be specifically trained in their near exams, to ensure results are not affected negatively in such an important moment of their career.

We will not let behind our Nursery and Foundation students. Plenty of content has been designed and uploaded for parents to follow and give their children’s needs. Teachers will be in close contact both with parents and children, working on a daily basis with them so they “keep schoolwork”.

Our support centre will also keep the attention on those students with special needs (logopedia, etc). They will contact them and plan how to keep up during this period.

Psychological support will be given by the psychologists in or staff, both to parents and to children that may need it. Advice on how to behave in this situation will be regularly posted, and individual attention will be offered when needed.

Our PE team is building a physical routine for children in a confinement situation. They will have a weekly PE class to work on this very important issue.

Being able to connect and having all the technology behind this system in order is crucial; we have created a committee to provide everyone with help needed. We expect to find several technical issues for the first days; this is normal, so please don’t be disappointed and keep working on it. You will find all the help you need.

We want to make sure no one is left behind, and we have created a quality control system to check this. You may receive a phone call from our administration staff, please dedicate the few minutes they will ask for answering their questions. We are doing this by phone specifically to cover the gap that some families may have with email.

Feel free to contact us to keep the school life going on as much as is possible in this difficult circumstance. I may suggest delaying any questions, concerns or issues of any kind that can wait until this period has gone on, in order not to collapse our system. Here are some interesting emails for you. You can find them all on our website.

For Foundation and Primary issues:
For Secondary issues:
For PREU (4th ESO AND IB) issues:
For technical issues related to the platform:


In crisis times healthy societies show the best of them.
This is the case of the community at St. Peter’s. It is a time for generosity, trust and effort.


Good luck and keep safe.
Jordi Ginjaume, St. Peter’s School Manager


Summer Camps

Summer programmes in English to children born from 2023 to 2009
