
The first month is over in F4!

The first month has passed by with remarkable ease!  A couple of tears were to be expected, but all students are happy and have settled and adapted to their new class and routine.  As well as welcoming wonderful new boys and girls – Chloe, Demyan, Andrei, Ulyana, Rui, Robeen, Ricardo, Oya, Laia & Artur – we have two new class mascots; Peppa Pig in F4R and Macucu Macaca the Monkey in F4N (name voted for by the class!). Incidentally there is a breed of monkeys called macaca / macaque!  Every Friday Peppa Pig or Macucu Macaca and a children´s digital camera will go home with one student for the weekend.  Can you help your child to take photos of our class mascots visiting different places (your home / a park / a shopping mall etc.) and on Monday this student will share and explain their photos.

Thank you to those of you who came along to the welcome meeting a few weeks ago and for your feedback & questions. It was great to meet you all!  Below are a couple of points about some of the things we talked about:

There will be no homework, but initially students will need a little guidance from you with our Sound of the Week activities. Every week we will introduce a new sound (sometimes two new sounds since there are 42 main sounds in English and only 36 weeks in the academic calendar).  These sounds will be visible on our notice board.  Each week students are expected to find one picture or one object beginning with this sound.  The object will go onto our sound chart to be returned in a couple of weeks, and the picture will form part of a class dictionary / collage.  Pictures & objects may be dropped off in the yellow tray alongside students’ cups.

For those of you would like more information about what we are doing in class, a plan is available on our class notice board for you to refer to, but please be aware that this plan is flexible – all activities are dependent on the students’ interest, ability and mood. There is also a list of some of the songs, stories and resources that we use, as well the objectives we hope to reach by the end of the year.  Regarding story books, students are welcome anytime to share a favourite book from home. We will read at least one story per day so please make sure that books are labelled and we will read the book as soon as we can and return it within a few days.

Here are our confirmed excursions for the year:

  • Wednesday 4 November – El Xaragall
  • Monday 14 March – Mas Banyeres
  • Third term excursion to be confirmed.

(Keep an eye on the school website for more information & confirmation.)

Mums & Dads, your feedback and participation in class is very important to us. If you have a particular interest or hobby or activity that you would like to share with the class, we’d love you to come along! Together we can arrange a convenient time during the week. Our classroom is informal and hopefully a lot of fun, so please don’t hesitate.


Summer Camps

Summer programmes in English to children born from 2023 to 2009
