School Life

Student Wellbeing

Wellbeing Department

Our Wellbeing Department provides psycho-pedagogical support to pupils in the school, tailoring individual plans for those pupils who may need it, and making referrals to trusted external services when deemed necessary.

In coordination with the Heads of each stage and the school’s team of teachers, the department aims to care for the emotional well-being, mental health and academic progress of our students. It is a priority for us to support our students, helping them to develop as individuals, taking into account their individual educational needs.


Begoña Vilar is the coordinator of our Wellbeing Department. She is a pedagogue by training and is in charge of coordinating the follow-up of the students in collaboration with the whole team of teachers and families.

Prevention of Bullying

Protecting our students from any kind of abuse is one of the priorities of St PETER’S SCHOOL. Our aim is for everyone in our school to feel happy, safe, and welcomed. We have a zero-tolerance policy for any form of bullying and therefore the whole school community abides by the school’s anti-bullying policy.

If any member of the school (pupil, teacher, family member, or non-teaching staff) suspects there may be a case of bullying, they can report it immediately using the following anonymous form. Please refer to the Safe and Supportive Environment Policy, where you will find a detailed anti-bullying protocol. 

All reported cases will be investigated carefully and confidentially.  


Language Reception

Students who do not have a good knowledge of Spanish, Catalan, or English receive specific attention in small groups during their first year with us. During this first year, teachers help them to catch up and overcome the initial phase of language acquisition, after which they are ready to join the regular group.

The teachers assess the student’s level on arrival to ensure that they are in the right group. The aim is always to support the student’s language acquisition on their way to becoming fluent in the language.  

Antibullying Form

Formulario contra el acoso escolar


Summer Camps

Summer programmes in English to children born from 2023 to 2009
