
RoboCat19 at St Peter’s School

Last Saturday, May 27th; it took place at St Peter’s School the qualifying stage of one of the biggest robotics events in Catalunya. The RoboCAT 2019!

Organised by Singularity Foundation, El Raco dels Robotaires and St Peter’s School , the event was a complete success. More than 200 students from 56 school showed incredible skills, not only in through their amazing and creative robots but also planning their strategies as a team during their 4 rounds.

During the whole day, participants from three categories moved forward to the spotlight and kept everyone at the edge of their seats. Junior, Senior and Adult.

Also, word of inspiration came from very special guests;

Joan Rovira, General Manager – Singularity Foundation


“La responsabilitat que teniu vosaltres i nosaltres, és que aquestes noves tecnologies serveixin perquè la gent visqui millor”

“The responsibility that we all have, is that this new technologies have to be developed to help people improve the quality of life”

Xavier Trias, former Major of Barcelona



“La robòtica ens serveix perquè els nostres nens i nenes siguin capaços d’adquirir moltes competències … capacitat d’afrontar reptes de aquet present, perquè ja no és un futur, de aquet present.”

“Robotics its important so the new generation become capable of acquire  lots of skills…and to face the challenges of the present because (Robots) are not a future anymore, but the present”

Julià Fernàndez, Delegat del Govern de Catalunya



“És important formar un equip …. s’han de posar d’acord per superar un repte, han de prendre decisions”

“It’s important to create a team…they have to agree and plan to overcome a challenge, they most make decisions”

Josep Bianya, Cap de Servie d’Innovació, Xarxes i Serveis Educatius



“Ès un orgull que aquesta escola d’aquesta ciutat hagi volgut organitza aquet esdeveniment d’equip …”

“Es un orgullo que esta escuela haya organizado este evento de equipo

Miquel Àngel Essomba, Comissionat d’Educació, infància i joventud

The RoboCAT, every year is inspired in character, events and places from the Catalunya. In this edition was “Revolta dels Remences o Guerra dels Remences” – “Remences revolution or war”. Dr. Jaume Sobrequés, catedràtic d’Història de Catalunya a la UAB and Prof. Tomàs de Montagut catedrático Historia del Derecho e Instituciones ( UPF) where the one’s to explain the story of this event that happened on the 15th century.

Our Robospark from Y8, winner of the Junior category!

More information about the event at



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Summer Camps

Summer programmes in English to children born from 2023 to 2009
