The goal of the Kangaroo competitions is to instill a love for mathematics in our students. The Societat Catalana de Matemàtiques, which is located in Catalonia, organizes the game competition every year (Proves Cangur) on the same day as other Kangaroo events all around the world. This year, the competition was held on the 17th of March.

The international organization Le Kangourou sans frontières states that:
L’association a pour but de promouvoir la diffusion de la culture mathématique de base par tous les moyens et, en particulier, par l’organisation d’un jeu-concours annuel ayant lieu le même jour dans tous les pays concernés et dont l’objectif est de stimuler et de motiver la grande majorité des élèves….
This school year, a group of MYP students took part in the competition with great results. We are very proud of them all!