In its third edition, the Open Innovation Committee (OIC) at St PETER’S convened to further its mission of propelling our Education Project to the forefront of innovation, reflecting on how to prepare students who will experience radical changes in the coming years. Chaired by Xavier Ferràs, an expert in Innovation from ESADE University, the committee, composed of external specialists from various disciplines, and the board of directors team, met once again to review our curriculum.
Distinguished members of the committee included Xavier Ferràs, Committee Chair and professor of Operations, Innovation, and Data Sciences at ESADE; Josep Maria Martorell, representing the Barcelona Supercomputing Center; Luis Pareras, Managing Partner at Invivo Capital; Anna Palli, Head of Technology Watch at IRTA; and Oscar García Pañella, Program Director at ENTI-UB and Managing Partner at Cookie Box.
Building on discussions from previous editions, this time, the committee deliberated on the potential arrival of General Artificial Intelligence and the radical changes it will bring to humanity in the coming years, spanning scientific, technological, and social realms. Following this initial discussion, there was also debate on the concept of freedom and its evolution in a polarized world, the necessity of critical thinking, and the imperative to comprehend the VUCA world that our students will inherit, with global changes in demographics, technology, geopolitics, and climate. A recurring theme was the shared belief among members that the 20s will be a decade marked by radical changes.
The committee reaffirmed the need to foster essential skills such as future literacy, proposed in the first edition of the committee and integrated into St PETER’S curriculum holistically, as well as the negotiation subject. Additionally, the committee recognized the transformative impact of General Artificial Intelligence and its potential to drive numerous scientific, technological, and social advances.
The objective of this Open Innovation Committee remains the continuous engagement with experts from different disciplines for the ongoing design of our curriculum, ensuring we stay at the forefront of education and remain open to the changes happening beyond our classrooms.