
Pedagogical approaches for Nursery 1 and 2

Dear families,

Last Tuesday you received general information about the homeschooling approach in the third term. We would like to specify some aspects of the approach we want to follow in the Nursery for this third term.

In the next weeks, we will be working on different topics like emotions, habits or the world that surrounds us. We will work comprehensively to ensure that the children continue to grow and evolve in a cognitive, motor and emotional way.

Considering that the children are now familiar with this system and thanks to your suggestions, we are going to add activities and modify some class dynamics.

TAPESTRY: Every day we will post 3 videos related to the theme of the week.

GOOGLE CLASSROOM: Every day we will post 2 songs, 1 storytelling, 1 long video made by us, 1 proposal/printable. The posts will be related to the theme of the week.

CIRCLE TIME: Every day we will do 2 identical circle times in different time slots (9:30/10:45). This way you will be able to choose the time that fits best.

  • Monday: Dancing and movement.
  • Tuesday: Storytelling and puppets.
  • Wednesday: Songs.
  • Thursday: Yoga and relaxation.
  • Friday: What’s in my box? What’s in your box?

OSTEOPATHY: Yolanda will do Osteopathy with families every Tuesday at 11 am. This activity requires your presence and participation.

PSYCHOMOTRICITY: Rosa will post one video every week to work on your child’s gross and fine motor skills.

PSYCHOLOGY SUPPORT: One of our physiologists (Mercè Rovira) will be available to do meetings to support you in every question you may have or any matter you might be concerned about.

VIDEO CALLS: We recommend scheduling at least one video call per week with the teachers so we can keep personal contact with all of you. If you desire to contact with us more often, we will be available from 9:00 to 13:00.

Obviously, the schedule of all these activities will be re-adjusted from the moment that the Government decides permanently when the children can go outside for a walk.

We are very happy about the progress all children have made during this homeschooling period. We would like to make a special mention to the evolution we have observed in their autonomy and communication. Moreover, all our family connections with the children and the virtual-emotional bond that the children have established with their teachers and classmates have turned out to be very positive. Therefore, we will focus on maintaining that special connection in the following weeks since it has filled us with joy to see the eagerness with which they connect to the video calls, their funny occurrences and their smiles from ear to ear when we sing. We are very moved to see all your videos and photographs doing the activities that we propose because they bring us a little closer to your reality. Thank you so much for making time for us in your life.

Children live in the present and they teach us to live smoothly and naturally. As the wise man said:

“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift.
That is why it is called “present.” Let’s enjoy it all together.

We know that some of you are concerned about how you are going to proceed with the transition of getting rid of the dummy or the nappy. However, we think that right now is not the time to rush it. We must follow their interests and maintain a flexible attitude, keeping in mind that this too shall pass. And we will be there to help you.

As you can see, we have everything planned until June! But to be sincere with you, our greatest desire is to be able to do it all together in the school.


Best wishes.
Alisa, Alisha, Karolina and Angie


Summer Camps

Summer programmes in English to children born from 2023 to 2009
