This weekend, once again, a group of four young parliamentarians from St. Peter’s participated in the Model European Parliament (MEP) sessions held in Madrid. Mariona Gracia, Carlota Moyano, Paula Rodríguez and Ainhoa Hernández, students in 1st Pre-U, had first-hand experience of this year’s MEP sessions.

The sessions, held at the Spanish Senate, showed how much the students have learnt and how brave they are to participate in this adventure. They debated four topics of huge political relevance (Freedom of Speech, Tax Harmonization, Crowdfunding and Innovation and Creativity ) in front of an important political committee, showing their impressive communication and debate skills and developing their ability to dialogue and refute.

Madrid was, more than ever, a place of creative ideas, a place to be, to foster the development of a fuller European awareness and understanding among the young people of our continent. And finally, it was a place to build new friendships and enjoy this amazing opportunity.
The following is a video edited about the event: