Over 100 teachers from the IB School Network of Catalonia and Andorra met on 9 February to share best practices and connect with other diploma teachers who teach similar subjects.
Those attending the conference underlined the value of being able to make contact with IBDP teachers and sharing their experiences, doubts and resources. Miss Teresa Ferrer, School Curriculum Coordinator, states, “it was an informal gathering for IB teachers to get together, to have discussions, to go around questions that they have, to get together, share ideas, and best practices.”
In 2019, the IB Schools Network of Catalonia and Andorra began offering an interconnected network between subject teachers, course coordinators and school principals across the area. This connection offers a wealth of communication opportunities for those involved in IB education throughout the region.
Previous news:
“Arrenca la Xarxa d’Escoles de Batxillerat Internacional“, El Periódico de Cataluña.