Effective public speaking, listening, and communication skills are crucial in today’s globalised world. At St PETER’S, we believe in nurturing the voices of our students, which is why, for the past two years, our Year 9 students have been preparing TED Ed Student Talks throughout the academic year, culminating in a captivating presentation to a full auditorium.
The chosen themes by our Year 9 students highlighted some of the interests and challenges faced by our students. They spoke about perfectionism, anxiety, climate change in Spain, human well-being, and the future of the planet. These presentations provided an opportunity for our students to engage with topics they are passionate about and that are relevant to their generation. They demonstrated incredible research, analysis, and effective communication skills. We are proud of how they used their voices to raise awareness and drive change within our community.
This year, for the first time, we extended this opportunity to our youngest students, Year 2, who have showcased the importance of effectively expressing ideas and emotions.
We have compiled a video highlighting the best moments, but for those interested in watching the complete sessions, we have provided links to the Year 9 and Year 2 presentations. It’s worth it!
Year 9 full TEDEd 2023 session
Year 2 TEDEd 2023, Full session