
Class 4’s have planted their own seed for a better World.

During this course, class 4’s have learnt the meaning of the 3R’s. These represent:
They chose to focus on on reusing by organising a Toy Exchange Market where every child could bring a (second hand in good conditions) toy to be exchanged for another one.
Only one condition was requested: to bring 2€ minimum to participate. This money would be donated to an enviromental  NGO of their choice. 
1. The children had lots of fun choosing and getting a “new toy”.
2. They collect 106€ that was immediately transferred to Green peace for the “Replant the Forest” project. They felt very proud of this and immediately started coming up with other ideas that we are now considering for this term or for next year.
3. We all learnt how our small acts can have big and positive results.
For a greener planet 🙂