It has only been five years since our school received certification from the IB organization to deliver the Diploma Programme. Since then, we have not only graduated three cohorts, but also incorporated the Primary Years and Middle Years programmes; making us the only IB school in Barcelona with an English-language IB continuum. Validation focuses on analyzing three fundamental pillars of the school: purpose, environment and culture; all of which are essential to ensuring quality learning.
We started with a vision and purpose. Five years ago, we realized that the world was changing faster than ever before and that a new paradigm in education was required. We decided that the best way to do this was to implement the baccalaureate diploma into our school system. This was the first step towards creating the new St Peter’s.
You could say that’s where it all started. And now, after getting feedback from our diploma programme’s validation visit, we’re proud of how far we’ve come. Our purpose is still the same, and we’re lucky to have a positive culture–one that embraces different cultures and languages. The physical, social, and emotional environment is also audited by the organisation as part of the final pillar supporting student learning and growth.
The visit ended with the feedback given by the auditors, inviting us to keep innovating and working together to have a better school where our community members can learn, thrive and become the leaders of tomorrow.
Some of the strengths that our auditors, Marcela and Juan Carlos, gave to our teachers were:
- Their impressive professional background, skills, training and collaboration.
- Our curriculum: consistent, articulate, diverse and extensive.
- The all-around support we offer to students–academic, social and emotional. All members of our community–teachers mentors coordinators University advisorSupport Centre personal–guarantee holistic support to students.
Finally, we received some recommendations:
- We should take advantage of the talent of our teachers by spreading more collaboration, observations, and best practices.
- Share our school culture with families through activities such as the Morning Coffees or periodical conferences
- Review and update the subjects’ content in the diploma to include innovative ideas and new approaches. The guides given by the IB may be fixed, but there is always room to innovate, in line with our school project.
All in all, we are very proud of what we have achieved in only five years and we are looking forward to going beyond this huge success. We would like to thank you our teachers, for their hard work, and all our community, students, and families, for making it possible. We will receive a whole report in a month and we will be happy to share it with you.